Friday, January 31, 2014

Thoughts about integration as CHD Health & Wellness turns 1 year old

It was gratifying to know that we have made it through the first year with healthy financial outcomes. Of course there is much more to be achieved financially, but our outcomes are very solid for the program being only one-year old.

But financials provide only one reason to be gratified. Some of the best reasons for feeling gratified, however, are directly related to client outcomes. As mentioned before, clients report feeling very satisfied with the integrated services program, that they have safe housing, that they are satisfied with their social connectedness and that they are generally satisfied with their lives.

The real mark of the success of our program, even only at the one-year goal, is the physical health outcomes. Health indicator data are presently being analyzed and will be available for mention here soon. But for now, what can be said is that clients are actively moving about, engaging in exercise and other wellness programs and attending their primary care visits and follow-up appointments. One client recently said of the primary care provider, “I really like [her]. She is very different from all other doctors I’ve had because she listens to me. She spends time listening to me, she shows compassion and is very helpful and gives me good advice.”

So, as the program turns one-year old, permit me to thank all who have been involved with our program, namely the staff at CHD who have helped with our success. The CHD Health & Wellness team continues to be grateful for collegial support and looks forward to many more years of program success and enhanced client wellness.

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