Sunday, January 19, 2014

Relationship Between Integration and Employment Behavior

A closer examination of the rates of employment and job training participation by clients enrolled in CHD Health & Wellness integrated services program is warranted. What is known is that at baseline, only 6% (5) of clients were enrolled in school or job training and 13% (10) were employed.  One-third of clients did not finish high school (28, 36%) and an equal proportion (26, 34%) has some college experience.
By the six-month data point, however, the number of clients receiving school or job training increased by 300%. Yet there was a drop of 40% in those employed at six months.
Six the data are for a mere six-month in time, the findings are merely trends. But it is interesting to speculate about what these trends may mean for participants in CHD Health & Wellness.

It is possible that clients become so engrossed in the wellness offerings provided by the integrated services program that their time is consumed by participation in the programs. Similarly, as a result of enhanced integrated clinical care, clients are feeling better and, as a result, encouraged to make a career change or return to school for further training. This last possibility is supported by the data which indicate that clients report feeling happier, more well-adjusted, and socially connected.

This is a trend that we will keep a close eye on as the 12-month data become available for analysis.

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