Saturday, February 1, 2014

Writing Retreat Poem

The Writer

by Phyllis St. George


All these years

You've resisted

Growing up.


Waiting for your parents

To change?

Wanting to redo

Your childhood?


There are no Redo's and

No Back-to-the-Future's.


What's done is done.

Move on.

Be a big girl.

Take some responsibility

For your life.


How long are you

Going to hold out?

You are missing

So much.


Being a grown-up

Can't be all

That hard.

By now you know

It's more than

Paying bills

On time;

Owning a house,

A car, a cat;

Going on



Just write.

Just write and eventually,

One day

You will be there, and

You won't have noticed.

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