Saturday, October 26, 2013

Scribble Drawing Class

Today's art therapy class was about scribble drawing. Clients were given the following instruction by the art therapy intern: "Start by creating a scribble with eyes closed or open. Open your eyes and look at what is on the page. See if you can see any concrete images in your scribble. Finish the drawing by coloring in shapes or adding new lines to create a finished drawing. When you are done, give the drawing a title. Share with the rest of the group how it made you feel. Were there any surprises or images that emerged?"
One client had a hard time starting the scribble and wanted to draw with eyes open. The art therapy intern demonstrated how she does a scribble drawing and then the client was able to do this on his own. She reported, "he was very excited to be in the group..." He titled his drawing, “Mountain Park Holyoke” because it reminded him of the colors and rides of Mountain Park. "It seemed like a happy memory for him," concluded the art therapy intern.


  1. Link from FB back to the blog worked! The blog looks wonderful!

    1. Thanks, Trace. Your impressions are of utmost import to me.
