Thursday, October 17, 2013

Satisfaction Survey Results

Well, the results are in! Six CHD Health & Wellness enrollees have completed their anonymous six-month satisfaction questionnaires. Results indicate that all six enrollees are very satisfied with the majority of the program. For instance, they are very satisfied with their primary care providers, their care managers, their overall medical care, and their individual wellness programs. One client indicates that s/he is only mostly satisfied with the timeliness of her/his visits, the variety of wellness programming and the facilities, or physical space in which the primary care visits are conducted. All in all, CHD Health & Wellness staff is pleased with the results of this survey of a handful of enrollees who have reached the six-month mark. But, they also realize there is much work yet to be done.

(Source: Survey completed by six enrollees who have been enrolled for at least 6 months)

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