Sunday, October 20, 2013

Integration in Practice

"I got word this afternoon that [one of CHD Health & Wellness's] patient's potassium levels were at a critical level," said our care manager. "The clinic nurse got a call from the lab. Meanwhile the endocrinologist called the [FQHC] to alert staffs after directing the patient to the ER. The RN who works with CHD Health & Wellness's PCP called over to CHD Health & Wellness to inform us (at the very same time I was notifying the [FQHC] via the EMR). I then faxed over to the RN the lab report that came to us (CHD Health & Wellness APRN had ordered the testing). Integration services at work!" proudly exclaimed the care manager.

This description of the complex work being provided by CHD Health & Wellness is a prime example of a truly integrated system. Not only are patients more likely to get the most appropriate care needed for their conditions, there is an increased likelihood that clients will willingly obtain medical care due to the increased familiarity of the integrated services team and the proximity of services being provided. For CHD Health & Wellness clients, onsite primary care demystifies the process of obtaining medical care. And as typified by the example provided by CHD Health & Wellness case manager, all team players can communicate with greater ease.

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