Monday, November 25, 2013

Self Symbol

In this art therapy excercise, clients were directed to choose a personal symbol that they can draw from for strength. Clients were asked to imagine a symbol that would represent himself/herself. If the idea of a symbol seemed too abstract, they were encouraged to think of an iconic image such as the Empire State Building, or a logo, trademark, or branding idea such as evident in an advertising campaign. Clients were then directed to draw their personal symbol on paper. Copies of each symbol were made by the art therapy intern who provided them to everyone in the group. Clients therefore would wind up with a stack of images, one for each member of the group. Clients were then directed to cut out the symbols and make an individual collage with the group’s symbols. Clients were given plenty of time to share their distinct collages with the group. Collages were then hung in the main area of the day treatment program for all to enjoy.
Below are some of the symbols and collages created by clients.





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