Friday, November 1, 2013

One Client's Integration Experience

The care managers are the hub of activity at our integrated services program. All communication flows through them; they connect patient, PCP, behavioral health clinicians and other ancillary (but important) staffs. Clients are informing us about their pleasure with their provider experiences and how this differs from what they have experienced elsewhere in their lives as they interfaced with the medical community.

For example, patient "Joe" stopped by one of our care manager's offices. "I had asked him about the Integration program, about Ellen, about how things are going for him," the care manager recounted. He replied, “She listens very well [and] she communicates what’s going on with me. She’s willing to help, which is a big, big thing. She considers everybody like a friend to her.”

The care manager added, "Joe" is the client/patient Ellen saw last week on an acute visit, which resulted in a stream of emails and an “intervention” by all his providers to help him get through this rough patch of time.
This is a prime example of the positive experiences of all who are engaging in our integrated services program.



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