Friday, March 21, 2014

Chair Massage | Words from the Massage Therapist

Recently I spoke with Jen Eckard, CHD Health & Wellness's chair massage therapist, and she had this to say about her experience working with our clients:
"It has been really wonderful to give seated massage at CHD. I've been really touched by the happy and grateful response of the clients, and I grin when I hear them walking around announcing that they've just gotten a massage. It brings massage back into the context of being a simple human thing, a way to connect and care for each other, rather than a luxury for a privileged few. Sometimes I feel that I'm giving safe, caring touch to someone who has rarely experienced it in their lives, and that is truly good for the soul. I also really enjoy being in the CHD environment; the staff are clearly putting so much thought and care into the programs, and I'm sure it makes a huge difference in the lives of the clients."

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